Perks and Discounts
Raise your paw if you like discounts!
Check back regularly for new perks and discounts, any changes to current perks, and for any seasonal/specialty sales, events, or deals!
Rebook Perk
For all clients - set up your next appointment at checkout, and receive a discount on the "rebooked" visit!
Discount will range from $1-$5 depending on service. Good for rebooks set up every 4, 6, 8, or 10 weeks.
If you need to reschedule a rebooked appointment, that's no problem - your discount will carry over ONCE providing the rescheduled date in within 2 weeks of the original appointmen
Referral Perk
Current clients, who wants a little bit of an extra discount? Refer someone to me - friend, family member, anyone - and have them tell me YOU sent them. When they complete an appointment, YOU will get 10% off your next service!
THEY will also get 10% off their first visit.
Good for ANY service.
Military Discount
Automatic 10% Discount - any and all services, can be used with other discounts
Available to all active military members, to veterans, and to their spouses/partners!